Friday, 15 July 2011

You're off to Sienna

Buon giornata fellow bloggers,

Your last day in Cinque Terre was full of walking the trail.  The REAL TRAIL. I have yet to see a goat in Italy but I have definitely found the GOAT TRACK that is made out to be the Cinque Terre Trail.  It's a steep climb from sea level up the mountain to the top of the trail between destinations and then dwon again to next village.  In places it's a sheer drop to the rocks and the sea with no barriers to protect you. When you encounter another walker on the trail take your time and negotiate who is going to be on the seaside when you pass.  The trail is only a few feet wide in many places.

You were lucky last night to be able to attend the Manarola festival and you had a good night dancing under stars with a few wines and beers at the end of a big day.

On the home front, there are many issues living in close quarters with 3 women travellers.  Underwear is washed in the shower and spread around the bathroom to dry, farting has become a competition of who can be loudest and competition is particularly fierce at nights when everyone is in bed.  It's eye-watering stuff and I'm affraid the girls are far more superior at this SPORT than the guys.

Pics for today.
One of the walkway tunnels.  This is to Riomaggiore and is 110metres long.  The walls have amazing murals.

35 deg heat, 2 kms uphill for this side of the trail.  The trail has many lizards and they sometimes dart out when you walk by.  You had one almost run through your shoe.

The beach at Vernassa.  about 100metres in total. The whole village makes use of this small section of the coastline for sun bathing and swimming.  The viilage iteslf is well worth a visit and has a number of Vernassa unique clothes and products on offer.  The gelato is great.
I'm writing this at the train station while waiting for the train to Pisa aeroporto where you agreed to give a rental car a go to get us all to Chianti in the middle of Tuscany where the plan is to spend 5 days and 4 nights sampling the wine and enjoying their hospitality.  Chianti wine is regarded amongst the finest in the world. As Hanibal Hector remarked at the end of the movie 'Silence of the Lambs' "I'm having a friend for dinner along with a fine Chianti ....." This is the area that produces the very same wine.
Train arriving gotta go. Ciao. 

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